Case Participant Search

This feature provides the ability to search for all the cases associated to a participant in the Common Pleas courts. Search results may include both public and secure case information. Your ability to view secure case information is based on your relationship to the participant's case(s) and the ability for PACFile to verify your identity. Consequently, it is possible that secure cases meeting your search criteria will not appear in your search results. More specific rules regarding secure case searches can be found on the Case Participant and Calendar Event Search Security page.

The following criteria can be utilized to perform a case participant search:

  • Last Name - Both full and partial name searches are allowed.

  • First Name - Both full and partial name searches are allowed.

  • Date of Birth - Use with caution. Entering this date may focus your search to a specific individual, but if this information is not systematically associated to the participant on each of their cases, your results may be incomplete.

  • Court Type - This field always defaults to Court of Common Pleas and signifies that all searches are limited to the participants associated to cases filed in these courts. Participant searches are not available for Appellate Court cases.

  • County - Case participant searches can be narrowed to the cases filed in a specific Pennsylvania county. Leaving this field blank produces a statewide search.

  • Court Office - When a county is selected, searches can be narrowed to cases filed in the county's criminal, juvenile, or family court division.

Clicking the SEARCH button displays your search results. Each record provides access to additional detail by use of the icons in the far-right column. Clicking on the View Participant Details icon transfers you to the Participant Details screen. Clicking on the View Case Details icon transfers you to the Case Details screen.

For printable step-by-step assistance (with pictures), refer to the following: